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Backup Power Planning For Emergency Services

In the continuing mission to increase productivity while managing safety and local responsibility, many businesses are following vital, emergency services when they plan for natural disasters. Natural disasters, major power outages, severe hacking/infiltration, or even hopefully distant and unlikely mass conflict situations can interrupt the flow of power and cut into productivity. If your business has to operate no matter what--either to provide emergency services to the community or because of your own productivity goals--consider these backup power plans.

Diesel Backup Generators

When power is lost, what's the easiest way to get it back? One of the more tested and proven methods is to use a backup generator system that uses fossil fuels, as fossil fuels such as gasoline and diesel are readily accessible in most areas. 

Generator systems are design to either kick into service when power is lost, or to be manually initiated when someone notices power loss. The systems are spliced or added with a major power splitter that connects generator power to building power intake.

Testing must be performed two or three times per year, and should be tested prior to hurricane and/or tornado system if your business is in a storm-prone area. In addition to testing for proper performance, consider the logistics behind fueling.

Every fuel has a shelf life, and even different types of diesel have different performance levels depending on shelf life. A diesel depot professional can tell you about different fuel mixtures, along with delivery schedules and emergency situation delivery if available. Take a look at sites like for more information.

Backup Battery Options

Diesel backup generators aren't the only option, and you can even combine different methods for a more complex contingency plan.

Do you want to be ahead of the curve with solar power? Photovoltaics is a growing industry, and although solar power may not be enough for some industries, a solar panel system with a business-class battery cell system can power vital services while you evaluate the situation.

At present, getting direct sunlight power from the cell directly to building electrical systems isn't viable. Solar intensity and cloud cover changes constantly, and the conversion rate for commercially-available solar power isn't quite fast enough.

Charging up a large stack of batteries, however, can deliver a few hours of power while you evaluate diesel options or safely shut down/organize your business systems for emergency situations. A battery cell system can be added to a splitter along with power company utility services and a diesel generator, also with automatic or manual services.

Contact a diesel depot to discuss the core of your emergency power planning, and to get help with other aspects of powering up.
